Supported independent living provides people who live with disabilities the opportunity to develop the habits and skills that’ll allow them to live a more autonomous life, with the help of designated carers. If you want to learn about SIL and how you can benefit from this scheme, the friendly team at Amazing Grace Community Services in Darwin can help you and your family. In this article, we discover who is eligible for SIL funding, explore our 24-hour care and outline our range of SIL services. Contact us today.
Who is Eligible for SIL?
If you want to determine your eligibility for supported independent living in Darwin, you must:
Have a current NDIS plan that allocates funding for SIL
Provide evidence that you require 24-hour support
Provide an Identifying Housing Solution (IHS) report
Provide evidence of informal support, such as family, carers, networks and the community
24-Hour Care With SIL and ILO NDIS
We provide many services that help people living with a disability build the habits and skills that will help them live more independently. Our highly experienced team provides 24-hour access to compassionate, empathetic and dedicated care, including independent living options.
Our Supported Independent Living Options
We have many SIL and ILO NDIS services for Darwin residents, such as help with:
Personal care tasks
Building skills in tasks such as cooking, cleaning and establishing a consistent routine
Actioning behaviour support
Developing social skills
Supervising and caring for personal safety and security
Medication and medical appointments
Attending community and social events, such as sporting activities
SIL and ILO support through the NDIS provides an excellent option for people living with a disability to live more independently. For residents of Darwin, Amazing Grace Community Services offers many services that can help you develop the skills and habits that build confidence in living the life you want. Speak with one of our friendly team by calling us on 8932 9246, or contact us online today.